It meets all four criteria for listing and is a fascinating place.
The peninsula is separated from the rest of Australia by an electrified fence and the recorded sounds of a dog barking (I'm not joking about this one). It is the site of Project Eden where they have removed the feral animals (foxes, cats, goats) and are trying to keep them out.
Since you have no idea where they will appear the few seconds they are above the surface to breathe seconds are taken up turning head and body in the general direction. The photographic result is a lot of water, and pictures of the backs of dugongs as they go below to graze on the seagrass banks of Shark Bay.
Add some amazing views, observe a family of emus at a waterhole and other wildlife encounters we had a worthwhile stay at Denham in the Shark Bay shire.
Oh...we also got to play garden golf and have a sausage sizzle for just 5 bucks. That's all about that little exercise though. The food and company were good. The mini-golf course was interesting and well done, but the golf itself was not quite up to par. No more will be said about that little exercise .
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