Our journey east is to be shaped by
Nullarbor Golf. Our experience started at Kalgoorlie. After paying the fees at the visitor centre we got the card and mat then headed for the first holes.
Overnight we had witnessed a sound and light show, and when we entered Kalgoorlie the newspaper headlines cried "Night of Drama for Kalgoorlie". When I signed up for the round I signed up for more drama. Kalgoorlie had been the venue of the sound and light show, with a thunderstorm that stirred things up a bit.

On the golf course it was warm and a little steamy, but it was good to be out on the fairway with a few locals.
We discovered more than a few however. The storm had stirred up the ants who were out in force on
Hannans Golf Course.
The first two holes were
Hannans 10
th and 18
th, and my photographer was gracious in giving her time. What she did not do was put shoes on, preferring thongs (a.k.a flip flops).

Apart from learning how to take photos on a golf course, she was also distracted by the kangaroos that grazed or rested nearby.
It is
remarkable how hard it is to concentrate with a photographer who pauses for a few seconds to take a photo and then starts dancing around. To not be distracted by a women hopping from foot to foot, stamping and jumping and offering expressions that are not to be repeated here was a great
Pause for five seconds and the ants
e on you, crawling over shoes or unprotected feet, with no regard for your sense of personal space!
My golf was passable for a change. While there is a temptation to offer a blow by blow description I will refrain,
even though it is hard. I managed to play five holes (2 in Kalgoorlie, one in
Kambalda and two at Norseman), scrambling pars and only dropping a shot on the last when my drive went too long for the line I selected.
Considering how it began, and with Beth dancing around each time she stopped anywhere on the course at
Hannans, it was a great effort to be only one over par.

Beth is right though. There were more ants on
Hannans in Kalgoorlie that course than I have seen in one area in my life. Stop, and they started their exploration of this new territory.
The ants may have been annoying, but on a steamy day in Kalgoorlie at least it gave me a header for this post. And she was wearing a red singlet top too!