Thursday, January 8, 2009

Weekly Worshp 2

Geelong is a delightful city not far from Melbourne. Located on Corio Bay, and close to ocean beaches, it is a good place to live. We were privileged to live and serve there for nine years. Returning last Sunday to share in worship was almost 'coming home'.

The most noticeable change was the decor and furnishings. Despite the limitations of architecture some minor internal works, new carpets, new seats, and some changes in colour created a warm and welcoming atmosphere that was matched by the response of the people.

For us there was a strangeness about the visit, however, and it was the farewell of the officer at a Corps that was not 'ours'. We know both the officer and the Corps reasonably well, so I almost felt a little like a voyeur as we shared in the farewell segment. Still, it was good to be there.

Once again music spoke most strongly. 'Blessed be that name of the Lord' by Matt Redman reminded us that God gives and takes away. God is to be praised when things are good, and not so good.

Blessed be Your name
When the sun's shining down on me
When the world's 'all as it should be'
Blessed be Your name

Blessed be Your name
On the road marked with suffering
Though there's pain in the offering
Blessed be Your name

A much older song "It is well with my soul" by Horatio Gates Spafford was also used - and it was a reminder that ministers or officers not only lead their congregations, they also share their journey with them. God is revealed in how we face the experiences of life, perhaps even more than in what we try to do in organising and leading others.

We shared a rich time of worshipping together - and again I was encouraged by the faithfulness and enthusiasm of those with whom we have shared in Geelong, and by the new faces that we saw amongst the congregation.

It is good to worship the Lord together.