We had a 'salvo day' as we shared with the congregation at Geraldton. Almost 500 kms north of Perth this city benefits from the harvest of land and sea. Fishing, farming and mining drive the economy of this country port. With the highest number of millionaires per head of any city in Australia it is also home to many who struggle with the challenges of daily life. Here the Salvos operate a thrift shop, a family support service and a daily 'soup kitchen', as well as a range of other activities.
On Sunday we found a family church that welcomed its pastors back from holidays. It was a friendly and personal service involved a great deal of interaction - and drew our attention to God's love for us.
The message was partly a reflection on a changed status. Leaders are prone to become immersed in their role and their responsibility and carry heavily the responsibilities of their position heavily. A break from those tasks gives an opportunity to reflect on that scenario. No matter how hard we work to achieve, or what target we may set it was a helpful reminder that our role is to care for creation, and to love family, friends, neighbors - whether they believe in Jesus or not. Change in individual lives is not something we can manufacture. The task of Christians is to help the individuals concerned, and encourage them in their relationship with God. It is God who brings change, not us.
Once again we shared post worship refreshments. In this congregation we met folks we had first encountered in our first year of ministry in Tasmania, and a couple from Zimbabwe. Amazingly these folks are friends with a couple we knew from Preston who had facilitated the journey of this family. It's a small world after all.
Benedictine Experience
It was a very different form of worship when we visited New Norcia.
Under the guidance of the Benedictine community we shared in the morning worship at the abbey. With a big crowd in attendance (at least in terms of the available seating) there were not enough songsheets to go around. Those familiar with the liturgy clearly knew the required responses, we did not. Little nuisances like this did not stop us from enjoying hearing and singing the Word, and learning from the teaching and the environment. All who participated in worship that day were surrounded by images of the gospel. Notable were the stations of the cross, but there were also images from the life of Christ that have been shaped by the Australian experience and environment. Jesus is Christ for all nations.

Clearly the focal point of the service is the celebration of the mass, the Eucharist, where Christ's sacrifice is remembered. After readings from scripture, singing (led by the cantor) and the reaching of the Word, were were invited to share in a time of Preparation for the Gifts. As I glimpsed the title on the songsheet of my neighbour I thought only of the offering/collection. As the service unfolded I began to understand it as more. The songs and readings were a time of preparation to receive the blood and body of Christ. Although the theology of the Roman Catholic Church on this matter does not sit comfortably with me I came away appreciating the centrality of Christ in their worship.
For all who name Christ as Saviour and Lord we would pray for such centrality in life.