Three months in Afica... three months without golf... three golf courses in Lusaka. With days running out the possibility of actually playing golf in Africa raised its head - so I checked out the golf clubs. As it turned out Lusaka was the best option...but getting information about access and cost was a problem.

Try the internet: no phone number and no reply to my email
Try the phonebook: no number listed
Call Zambia Tourism: their best advice was "Call directory information"
Call Directory Information: they gave me two numbers but neither of them worked!
So I rang a couple of the better hotels near the course - they had no contact numbers.
The most help I got came from the ex-captain of Chianama Hills Golf Club (his number was on the net). Roll up around 8 a.m., and it will cost around 60,000 kwacha. He was partly right...8.00 a.m. was a good time to roll up.
On the before we left Africa I fronted at Lusaka Golf Club at 7.30 a.m. Just on 10.00 a.m. I was in the clubhouse after playing 18 holes, with a score of ten over (no birdies, double bogey, bogey finish with 3 putts on the last!!!).

A nice course, relatively flat with some interesting holes, and greens that putted truly.
The cost...105,000 kwacha green fees, 50,000 for the caddy, 80,000 the hire of clubs, and 50,000 for a bag of pre-loved golf balls (and I used ONE!) - a total of around $60 AU.
Was it worth it? Yes, I have now played golf in Lusaka,
AND supported a couple of Zambian families in the process.