Yesterday...I learned about the internet here in Mbeya.
In Mbeya (and probably many other places in Tanzania) the internet speed is 7.2kbps. In dar Es Salaam it's quicker, and they have Next G or something similar. Demand in this area does not yet warrant such equipment.
I also got behind the costing of our wireless internet. The Zain salesman who provided this wireless modem was very helpful. I called Alex at 12, he was able to be here at 2.30. That was very good, but I expected him at 3! I missed him, but he came back at 5! Now that is service.
So basic wireless 'broadband' charges are 394 Tshs (about 50c AUS) per MB. Ouch! Expensive enough for us, way out of the reach of most of the locals.
We have opted for a more expensive deal for the rest of this month - and spent 70,000 shillings (about $90 AUS) so we will get 500 MB at around 119 MB. That actually means buying 14 vouchers at 5000 Tsh each, and entering the 14 digit code numbers for each voucher individually via mobile phone before transferring the SIM card to the modem! The price points are also well chosen - at 66000 Tshs as the threshold for this deal, and 26,400 for a 100 MB deal.
Why? It does mean that we can allow my Computer Applications 4 - "Computerised Accounting Class" to have a little time on the internet to practice sending and receiving emails, and even browsing the web.
The internet here may be slow, but it does allow communication with people around the world.
(For a broader perspective visit