Saturday, July 18, 2009

From the Mount to Mataranka.

Australia is a big country - and we took it easy - about 240 kms/day.

Avon Downs, Barkly Homestead, Attack Creek and Newcastle Waters provided respite on the way. The scenery changed along the way - from Mitchell Grass to scrub and back again.The township of Newcastle Waters, once a thriving centre where North-South stock routes crossed and drovers gathered was another place worthy of a visit.

Don't expect to be served any time soon.
This poor bloke has been waiting at Jones' General Store for years, and the petrol bowsers don't work anymore either!

Where the heck is ...

These sort of signs are found at many lookouts.

I've heard of London, New York, Rome Darwin, Port Moresby, Frankfurt and Singapore - but where the heck is Dattelyn, and where can I find Kamloops?

Sublime to ridiculous

In the middle of nowhere an industrial city - Mt Isa.
On one side of the river the mine and processors, on the other the town. Xstrata have mining rights for an area 50 kms long and 5 kms wide west of the city. The process seems to involve digging holes, getting the good stuff out, and putting the rubbish back in. Along the way they dig big holes, use big trucks and make big bucks!

Around mine the town has grown, tourism has developed and good facilities have emerged. Getting into a caravan park in the peak season means booking ahead, but during the summer it might be easy. It was in the mid-20's each day we were there in winter. Add ten degrees or more, and summer might not be so pleasant ! Moondara Dam would have a special attraction in those times.

'The Curry' to Isa - Monuments, memorials and Mary Kathleen.

History, bigotry and commercial realities were revealed on the way.

First a creek crossing is marked, then there is a recognition of the traditional inhabitants of the land.

Sadly the second memorial has been defaced - and that reflects badly on those responsible, and those of us who call Australia home.

A few kilometres down the road there is the ruins with the ruins of the former uranium mining town a fascinating reminder of the temporary nature of civilisation.