They had a little problem though. Someone poisoned the tree. A monument/sculpture now stands over and around the preserved remains of the tree. A new young tree stands nearby. There is something symbolic and yet ironic about this site. An ordinary but beautiful tree now stands poisoned, sheltered by amazing and unique but somehow grotesque artwork that both dwarfs and protects it.
One other interesting sidelight - the tree was once known as the 'Alleluia' tree because the Salvation Army met (I am assuming that the meeting was an open air).
Machinery Mile - Ilfracombe (population 300)
Instead of staying at Longreach we oted to stay at Ilfracombe, just 30 kms shy of the home of tbe Stockman's hall of Fame. With the ancient machinery arranged north of the highway and surrounding two small museums, it was an interesting afternoon walk.
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