Monday, June 22, 2009

Weekly Worship

Uniting Church - Orange NSW 7/6/2009

9.15 a.m. is a bit early to get to church during a cold snap - and despite a late decision we made it, and enjoyed worshipping at the early (and less traditional) service. It was the first of the three they hold most Sundays -the evening service being given over to the 'youth'.

After a period of singing praise and worship songs the service was fairly relaxed and interactive. Leadership was shared by a number of people (both male and female) and people were invited to participate in prayer, to respond to the Scriptures with a plasticine model, and to share with the neighbours their response. We were even invited to greet others while our offering was received. Even the sermon/message had its interactive moments!

Coming away from that worship service I was left with two streams of thought.

The first was about public speaking. No matter how passionate you are, or how fired up you are about a subject, remember three things: do your preparation, be clear about your purpose, and get to the point.

The second had a more immediate application for all - relationships are important. Sadly our technologicaly advanced and materially prosperous society has resulted in far too many isolated and lonely individuals. We were created for relationship - the challenge for all of us is to make sure all our relationships add meaning and value.

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