A morning walk around the block is a religious expereince in itself. Apart from the local Corps the wall of the compound is a pictorial overview of the Bible. Turning right out of the gates you can work from the New Testament back to Genesis. There is an article about the mural that can be accessed via the Salvation Army International Headquarters website - just search under Shukrani.
Continuing arou

I am also reliably informed that there are at least another four churches within about 400 meters of this block!
Our days here begin with the call to prayer from the mosque at 5 a.m., but sometimes we sleep through that one. It is a bit harder to sleep through the thumping bass that comes through from the E.A.G.T. next door. At 7 a.m. last Monday morning it was not especially welcome!

For those not into religion there is a shop directly opposite the ccentre gates, and a local market less that 500 metres down the road. Now that is an interesting place - and it even has its own food court, just like the shopping malls back home (well almost!).
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