The week has had its highs and lows - the low being a very windy day. Not only did it make golf challenging, but we experienced the joy of clearing dust from the caravan afterwards.
The "Tour Down Under" was also in town that day. The wind made some sections of their ride very difficult, and last years winner exited the tour after a fall. Victor was awash with bikes and lycra - and parking was at a premium around the centre of town. My prime viewing spot amongst the crowds near the finish line provided a sense of the excitement, and a glimpse of the action. Those guys ride fast!
With the Australia Day weekend approaching the traffic is getting busier. We will enjoy the celebrations and continue to enjoy this lovely part of Oz.
My Wednesday quiet time friend has not returned... maybe the wind upset him (or her).

After watching the guys in Lycra do you think Lycra would be good for you when you get your bike? All the good bike riders have lycra so I guess you should too!
That is NOT on my agenda!
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