Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Weekly Worship

St. Paul's Cooperating Parish -Winton.

Seems like church gets earlier and earlier these days. It was 8.30 a.m. when the service commenced at Winton, and we didn't quite make it on time!

A group that matched the disciples in number gathered and shared together in a church with remarkable links to the town's history. The neat well-kept building included a plaque dedicated to the memory of William Corfield one of the key businessmen in the town.

The faithful people who joined together on Sunday are just one of three congregations in the town, and the lay reader guided us competently through the service. An invitation to share morning tea in the old rectory was accepted and enjoyed.

Use of the prayer book ensured links with the broader tradition of the church, and recitation of the Nicene creed affirmed that which is held in common. One of the helpful aspects of worship was the time of confession, including the carefully prepared prayer that is familiar to users of the Australian Prayer Book.

During our time we met two BCA (Bush Church Aid) Nomads who are in Winton to assist the minister for a short time. The recently retired couple represents one part of BCA. What a great idea for retired lay people to encourage and support ministry in the country. There are ideas that can be learned and shared across denominations, and adapted as appropriate.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Four "E"'s

"We want to engage, first of all, we want to educate, then we want to excite and then we want to evangelise." Jeffrey Hayzlett (The Australian - Media and Marketing Section Monday 29/9/2009 p 31)

Jeffrey Hayzlett is the 'chief global marketeer' of Kodak. "The Four Es" are part of their social media policy.

Engage, educate, excite, evangelise.

Maybe it is an approach from which the church can learn.